If writers do not use the patterns of topical progression which readers expect, readers may not be able to
follow the logic between sentences. For examples, too many different ideas in topic position can damage
the coherence of your text and can overload readers.
Click on the version of the text below in which the writer has provided a consistent unifying topic.
Text A:
1Ion exchange is a process in which ions bound to a solid-state compound are exchanged for ions in a surrounding solution.
2This process can be used to remove specific substances from an effluent.
3Ion exchange processes have, in many places, replaced distillation as a fast and energy-efficient means of water purification.
Text B:
1Ion exchange is a process in which ions bound to a solid-state compound are exchanged for ions in a surrounding solution.
2Specific substances can be removed from an effluent by this process.
3Distillation has, in many places, been superseded by ion exchange processes, which are a fast and energy-efficient means of water purification.