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The hyphen
helps avoid confusion by telling readers when combinations of two or more words should be understood as a single concept.
These combinations, called 'compound words', have five main uses:
- Compound nouns:
Hyphens can join two or more words to form new 'nouns'.
These forms are typical of journalistic and business writing, though less common in academic writing.
- Compound adjectives:
Hyphens can indicate that two or more words act as an 'adjective' before a noun.
These forms typically occur in the academic writing of science and technology.
- Words formed from affixes:
Hyphens can be used to join an 'affix' to a word. Americans tend to use this only to avoid misunderstanding,
whereas the British use hyphens to separate clearly prefixes from the main part of the word.
- Numbers and fractions:
Hyphens are used to form fractions (one-third) and compound numbers (from twenty-one to ninety-nine).
- Avoiding ambiguity:
Hyphens are used to make a clear distinction between words that would otherwise be confused re-form (to form again) and reform (to improve by change).